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by Shane Abdoo





Here is an Australian M113A-1 based on Tamiya's 1/35 scale kit. The T50 turret is from Verlinden. I used MV lenses for both white and IR. 



Extras include "Armour Bits" details, Skybow individual-link tracks and miscellaneous parts from the spares box.

This carrier is finished with Enamels for the green and brown and acrylic for the black. 

All markings are applied with AUSTENCIL Photo-Etched marking stencils (available from me - enquiries by email). 



Weathering was a modification of James Blackwell's post shading technique. Extensive wear and tear was added with an HB lead pencil.




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Model, Images and Article Copyright © 2000 by Shane Abdoo
Additional Images Copyright © 2000 by Brett Green 
Page Created 23 July, 2000
Last updated 05 June, 2001

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